The path to your successful future starts at the TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education! Become part of ACE & apply now for one of our Executive MBA programs.

Our postgraduate programs not only offer you enormous growth and state-of-the-art expertise, but also opens you the gate to a new chapter in life: Learn more about your individual strengths and weaknesses in professional (and individual) settings, broaden your horizons through a new network and use this experience precisely for your future and further development. A great trip professionally and personally!

Management & Technology

Revolutionary technology has the potential to change the world. But it is only through integration into effective business models that innovations can truly unfold. TU Wien's new Tech MBA programs give you the opportunity to specialize in an exciting field of the future and to excel not only with management and leadership expertise, but also with technical know-how.

Interview (in German) with Univ.Prof. Dr. Wolfgang H. Güttel, Dean TU Wien Academy for Continuing Education

Ready for the Top?

New technologies are opening up unprecedented opportunities for society. At the same time, the use of technical innovations poses special challenges for our executives today due to their fast pace and complexity. They therefore need Management know-how & Leadership skills to operate successfully in the most exciting industries of the 21st century - get ready for every challenge with our Executive MBA programs.