
14. April 2024, 13:19 bis 17. April 2024 13:45

6th Multistep Enzyme Catalyzed Processes Congress


We will have a comprehensive lineup of topics covering all areas of modern enzymology and biocatalysis with captivating discussions on the following key areas:

The 6th Multi Enzyme Catalyzed Processes Conference is more than just a gathering of minds; it is a platform to forge new collaborations, exchange groundbreaking ideas, and foster innovation in the dynamic field of enzyme catalysis. We encourage you to actively participate in the interactive sessions, engage in lively debates, and seize the opportunity to network with fellow experts from around the globe.

We will have a comprehensive lineup of topics covering all areas of modern enzymology and biocatalysis with captivating discussions on the following key areas:

  1. Protein Engineering: Dive deep into the latest breakthroughs in designing and optimizing enzymes for specific applications. Explore how we are harnessing the power of molecular biology to tailor enzymes to our needs.
  2. Retrobiocatalysis: Uncover the potential of retrobiocatalytic processes in deconstructing complex molecules, opening new avenues for sustainable chemical synthesis.
  3. Industrial Biocatalysis: Discover the real-world applications of biocatalysis in industry and its role in driving environmentally friendly and cost-effective processes.
  4. Machine Learning: Explore the synergy between artificial intelligence and enzymatic processes, and learn more about how machine learning algorithms are revolutionizing enzyme discovery, optimization, and prediction.
  5. Cascade Catalysis: Delve into the exciting interface between traditional chemical catalysis and biocatalysis, highlighting the fusion of these two disciplines for enhanced reactivity and selectivity. Furthermore, explores the fascinating world of multi-step biocatalysis, where enzymes collaborate to perform intricate and sequential reactions, mimicking the elegance of natural pathways.




Ankündigungsflyer in Petrol, Grün und Weiß


TU Wien, Kuppelsaal
1040 Vienna
Karlsplatz 13













Anmeldung erforderlich


Abstract submission:, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster

Registration:, öffnet eine externe URL in einem neuen Fenster